Product with specific activating effect

Mycorrhizal fungi inoculum

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  • It stimulates the root and leaf development of horticultural, flower and fruit plants, lawns and cereals


  • It facilitates the root system and the water absorption


Grape / Hazelnut-tree / Fruit crops / Winter and spring cereals / Greenhouse / Open field hurt crops / Turf / Sport facilities / Flowers / Ornamental plants


Tipo di trattamentoConcimazione fogliare e radicale
Tipo di fertilizzanteProdotto ad azione specifica
Confezioni1 kg


  • Tipo di ammendante organico: ammendante vegetale semplice non compostato
  • 0,005 % (% in peso) Contenuto in Micorrize (Glomus spp.)
  • 1×108 g (UFC/g) Contenuto in batteri della rizosfera


A suspension product mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria

RHIZOLEA is a suspension product mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria based that stimulates the root and leaf development of horticultural, flower and fruit plants, lawns and cereals.

In their process of development and colonization of the root system the microorganisms provide thrust to the emerging seedlings increasing the development of the root hairs and improving the nutritional status.

The presence of mycorrhizae also facilitates the root system in the macro-micro elements and water absorption thanks to the symbiosis established between the microorganism and the root system. 

How to use

For a greater stimulation mix with IDROL-VEG® at a dose of: 300-500 g/hl (foliar application) 10-15 kg/ha (soil application).

RHIZOLEA is compatible with the most common fertilisers, insecticides, acaricides, nematicides and fungicides with the exception of strongly acidic (pH <3) or alkaline (pH >8.5) products. If possible acidifying the solution to pH 6 preferably with organic acids (citric, acetic) 

Do not mix with copper-based products or space out the treatment for at least 48/72 hours. 

Use with volumes of water suitable for correct wetting. Use in the coolest hours of the day. 

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