E 130

Straight inorganic inorganic micronutrient fertiliser

Micronutrient chelate fertiliser in solution

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  • It prevent and treat iron chlorosis symptoms
  • It can also be successfully applied in case of excess of production


  • It solves chlorosis and restores conditions for a correct plant development
  • It is a formulate fully assimilable by leaves


Fruit crops / Horti crops / Flowers and Ornamentals / Industrial crops


ApplicationFoliar application
FertiliserStraight inorganic micronutrient fertiliser
Packing1 l / 5 l / 20 l / 640 l / 1000 l


  • 6 % Water-soluble iron (Fe) chelated by DTPA
  • pH interval ensuring acceptable stability of chelated fraction


To prevent and treat iron chlorosis symptoms

E 130 is a formulate fully assimilable by leaves, conceived to prevent and treat iron chlorosis symptoms by foliar application. Iron into the plant catalyzes the process of chlorophyll formation and chloroplast development; it is also important for protein metabolism and respiration process. Even if it is available in adequate amount into the soil, iron cannot be absorbed for different reasons such as excessive quantity of calcareous content, high pH of soil, phosphorous or manganese excess in the soil, climatic stress. As a consequence leaves start to discoloring and become necrotic.

E 130 applications solve chlorosis and restore conditions for a correct plant development.

E 130 can also be successfully applied in case of excess of production, reduced affinity of grafting, advanced defoliation caused by adverse weather conditions and pests.

E 130 can be directly poured into the solution tank and can be applied as foliar spray as preventive treatment or before canopy becomes too much chlorotic. It is advisable to apply 2-3 times at early vegetative stages, spraying preferrably during coolest hours to ensure complete absorption of the product.

How to use

E 130 is mixable with most common fertilisers, excluding alkaline reaction products and mineral oils.

Do not mix with copper based products. We suggest performing a test on a limited number of plants before extending the treatment.

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